When Things Get Nuts

The past week and a half have been a little nutty for me.

Finding out I probably won’t get educational leave without pay approved (I find out for sure today.)  My little one being sick again, fever, tummy problems, and getting her back bottom molars.  It’s just been a rough few days.

I ran on Saturday though.  6.5 miles in very windy conditions.  I don’t know how else to put this…I do not like wind. Even when I’m not running I despise the wind.  And Spring in Utah is usually very windy.  My pace was was slower for this run as I had 20+mph head winds for most of my laps around the park, and I was not motivated.  I was exceptionally exhausted physically and emotionally.

The run was what I needed however.  After the run I came to terms with the fact that I could be jobless in a few weeks.  My dissertation must take the priority at this time I cannot keep putting myself last, as I have for many, many years.  After an emotional Friday night with my husband urging me to make the official request for LWOP and going to bed crying I woke up Sunday feeling essentially emotionless over the issue.  If I cannot stay, I cannot stay.  Our family and friends will not let us fall.  They will support us and catch us if we need the help.

So I keep on swimming (or running) and writing and reminding myself that Walt Disney, my inspiration, struggled at times as well…but he met the challenges and achieved his dreams.  I will too.

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